
Zenit fast

The information to be found in this section is intended for the exclusive use of healthcare professionals.

All Zenit slides are compatible with the A. Menarini Diagnostics Zenit series platforms and can be assessed either visually with a fluorescence microscope or automatically with the A. Menarini Diagnostics interpretation system Zenit fast, Zenit PRO or Zenit G-Sight.


  • Significant number of mitotic cells
  • Optimized cell morphology
  • Large nuclei for easy pattern recognition
  • Optimal substrate for the detection of antibodies targeting cytoplasmic antigens
  • ANA positive controls (different patterns) provided
  • Substrate provided in accordance with CLSI standard guidelines


Our products are conveniently available in all parts of Europe through the network of local A. Menarini Diagnostics Subsidiaries. Please contact your nearest one for additional information and order placing.

ICAP Nomenclature for ANA Patterns

The nomenclature and classification tree for all HEp-2 cell patterns as shown at is shown here below.

Chan, E. K. L., J. Damoiseaux, O. G. Carballo, K. Conrad, W. de Melo Cruvinel, P. L. Francescantonio, M. J. Fritzler, I. Garcia-De La Torre, M. Herold, T. Mimori, M. Satoh, C. A. von Muhlen and L. E. Andrade (2015). "Report of the First International Consensus on Standardized Nomenclature of Antinuclear Antibody HEp-2 Cell Patterns 2014-2015." Front Immunol 6: 412.

There are total of 30 ICAP patterns designated with alphanumeric AC code for each from AC-0 to AC-29. Boxes with amber background are recommended as competent-level reporting, whereas those with olive green background are considered for expert-level reporting. AC stands for anti-cell.

A.Menarini Diagnostics Autoimmunity platforms (including Zenit fast) follow ICAP nomenclature and classification.

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