

Omnia 75 and Omnia PRO workstations for the automation of RNA extraction and PCR setup.

The two platforms are designed to streamline the microbiological analysis laboratory workflow and automate the Real Time PCR process from sample to PCR plate, directly linked to the LIS. 

  • Streamlined
    Samples in VTM tubes and individual reagent tubes are automatically identified through a barcode reader
  • Easy to use
    RNA extraction is performed using prefilled magnetic bead extraction solutions for easy loading and rapid turnaround time
  • Automated
    PCR plate setup is completed on the platforms, producing ready to seal plates for Real Time PCR
  • Integrated
    Sample tracing information is directly transferred to the Thermal Cycler and, together with the result of the amplification, to the LIS.
  • FAST
    When used in combination with the new Prefilled RNA Extraction kits for respiratory swabs and the new generation of FAST SARS CoV-2, Flu A-B and RSV kits , the system delivers rapid results:
  • Omnia LH 75 up to 24 samples, from VTM to PCR result in 2h00’
  • Omnia PRO up to 48 samples, from VTM to PCR result in 2h30'

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