LIOFERON®-TB/LTBI, the latest aid in diagnosing tuberculosis infection
LIOFERON®-TB/LTBI is an in vitro blood assay for the detection of Mycobacterium tuberculosis, the bacterium that causes tuberculosis (TB). The test is intended for use in conjunction with other medical and diagnostic evaluations. LIOFERON®-TB/LTBI results alone can detect both active and latent tuberculosis infections (including the disease).
A big step forward from Tuberculin Skin Test (TST)
Compared to traditional TST test, LIOFERON®-TB/LTBI offers many benefits:
- only one patient visit is necessary
- higher sensitivity (>97%), enables correct identification of infected patients
- higher specificity (>97%), enables appropriate patient treatment and follow-up
- the test is objective and is not influenced by inter-reader variability/operator bias
- the test is unaffected by Bacille Calmette-Guérin (BCG) vaccination
- it can be fully automated
- it is cost effective
Complete flexible solution for the lab
- Manual use - For small laboratories, the assay can be run manually by the Lab technician. In this case, a designated software is provided for result calculation.
- Semi-automated use - The LIOFERON®-TB/LTBI test can also be performed on most open ELISA processors. Results can be calculated using the external software provided.
- Complete automation - For complete automation – from sample/reagent loading to the final results - A. Menarini Diagnostics has fully automatized the kit for use with ELITE ELISA processors.